• Vaporganic

    Vaporganic Vaporganic is the term used to describe our patented process of vaporizing an organic solvent and using the resulting vapor to effectively clean vessels contaminated with heavy hydrocarbons. The solvents used (e.g. QuikTurn, QuikTurn RX, Super Q and TidalWave) have a very high kauri-butanol (kb) solvency strength value. When applied using the Vaporganic process, …

  • Chemistry

    Strategic Chemistry® The timely use of chemistry and planning, engineered to improve Client operating margins. QuikTurn® QuikTurn is a unique formulation for quickly, safely and effectively cleaning the internals of plant process equipment where there is a buildup of hydrocarbon residue. Using the patented and proprietary Vaporganic process, Refined Technologies will design a QuikTurn application …